Some Exercise for Mothers

As a result of being pregnant and having children, special care of the women is to be kept. It is necessary to have proper eating habits for the mother and her child's good health. Need some exercise. There is no addiction to keeping fat after body fatigue and having a child. Work on the house at this time, such as standing clothes, washing clothes and removing tables can be done.
After normal delivery, after five days, some empty hands (free hand) exercises will be available to get back to fitness. Some seats of yoga can also be made. It is not okay to exercise in any way before the injury is done in Caesar. For this, wait till the blow is dry. It's good to have time for three months. However, walking in the stomach without any pressure will be done.
Yoga instructor Daya akhtar has shown some exercises to keep the new mother's body fit. However, no matter what exercise you do, you should do so only with the doctor's advice.

Take the left-hand ear in front of the ear.
Now fold the right leg and place it on top. Try to bring the left hand to the right foot.

General exercise
First pair two legs. Put your hands on two hands. Then take 10 times besides the left leg and bring it 10 times on the right foot. This is to be done 3 times.

At first, one should fold one foot and keep it inside. The other foot should be kept straight. Now with the two hands will have to hold the ankle of the legs slowly.


First pair two legs. Then lift the head straight on the side of both hands and ears. Now, look straight forward. Keeping the entire breath in motion, keep the upper part of the body in the back. Then, as much as you can, try to bring the body in the form of a half-moon by bending it at the back. Try to bring the head as far back as possible to the back and hip. Remember, the knee and the elbows are straight at the time of bending the body. 
Take 10 seconds to relax. Likewise, after taking the seat three times in a row, take the final rest.

Bhujangasana or Sarpasana
Read the legs straight down the stairs and sit down. The upper part of the feet should be kept on the floor as far as possible. Place two palms on the floor on both sides of the ribs. Keep the head as far as possible, keeping the head on your palms till you reach the waist up to the waist and bend the head to the back and look at the top. Keep the breathing in normal position from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Then slowly lower your head and chest and lie down.

Half -Urtasun
The knees are broken, folding the leaves, and holding the spine straight on the knees. From the feet of the feet to the knee, the lower part of the foot will cling to the ground. Hold the left hand or the right ankle or ankle to the foot. The right hand will be the upper side. Now the chest and stomach will be as sharp as possible and bent towards the back and head. The breath will be normal. Stay in this position from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Then stand on the knees slowly and slowly restrain your hands and body. In this way, take the seat two or three times and take rest as you need.