Suddenly the rate of heart attack is increasing. Even death reports are also available. If the children with malnutrition suffer from heart attack, the consequences can be horrific. If the treatment is not properly treated, the patient can fall into various complications. Children are more susceptible to measles. Usually, this virus spreads to the body of healthy people around the affected patient's sneezing.
"Humans of less than nine months are not usually seen. The symptoms of the disease occur after one or two weeks after the virus has entered the body. And if the child suffers from a lack of vitamin A in the past, then the child may become blind when hem. If there is no vaccine against vaccine at the right time, then there is no risk of measles.
What are the signs?
Like other viral fever, fever and body may be majmaz or light pain first. The first one or two days may be a severe fever. Eyes and swelling can swell. Eyes can become red, water can flow through the eyes. The nose can get water and the nostril The rash or small reddish cord or rash appears in the body. It can spread rapidly throughout the body. At this time, especially children do not want to eat anything and become very weak. However, rash chikungunya, dengue etc. may also be a viral fever. So if you see these signs, you should consult a doctor.
What is to do?
If you do not neglect, then you should consult a doctor. In most cases, children are cured within 7 to 10 days. A patient with measles will have to take regular baths. And after a little towel or towel or soft cloth, the body will be removed. The patient has to rest completely. It's better not to leave the house at this time. Of course, drinking plenty of water. Along with the usual diet, the patient will also have to give more fluid food. The more nutritious foods you can get, the vitamins, especially vitamins. Then you can prevent complications.
What is the contagious disease of measles?
Hormonal diseases Usually spread through sneezing Once in the heart, there is usually no second chance for this disease. Children like babies may also be measles. If the vaccine is not given, there may be a risk of measles.
Negligence or delay in treatment
If you do not take precautions at first, then there may be many complications. Measles usually arises and they are brain inflammation, mouth inflammation, intestinal inflammation, bowel disease, pneumonia, bronchial inflammation, eye cornea inflammation, Karni-Yaya ulcers or sores being, ear inflammation, malnutrition, and weight serious loss, etc.
How to prevent?
Vaccination is the main prevention system. Every child will have to give measles vaccine in time. The good thing is, it can not be seen once more. Since this disease spreads through sneezing, cough, and touch, it is better not to let the affected child go to school. The victim should be kept away from the pregnant mother and the infected patients. Handkerchief should be used during a sneeze......more